In 1984 after the death of their grandmother, Jimmie Williams and his late brother Jeff Gordon agreed that we (the family) should become closer. They knew that this family was much too large, not to be familiar with one another. During this time, it was decided upon organizing a family reunion. Not only did they talk among themselves, but they put their words into action. With much help from Mary Lou, Jeff wife (now deceased) and the entire Orlando family, our first family reunion (1986) was a success.
In 1987, the second year, we visited our ancestors’ home state; Midway (Enon), Alabama. That year it seemed as though people came from everywhere. I’m sure there were at least 500 people, and we all had a joyous time. For some, we became acquainted (for the first time) with many relatives. We even met families we didn’t know existed.
Since our first reunion, it was initiated that a prominent date be set aside yearly, (second weekend of July) to celebrate our Family Heritage. We as a union should rejoice when greeting our loved ones, some we see once a year and some we see frequently. It makes our bond much stronger, for now -Together we stand. It’s not I in our vocabulary anymore; instead, the word is we.
We, the Anthony – Ellison Family can do all things with Christ who strengthens us - without Him, we have no strength, and we can do nothing.
Arizona L. Anthony Sumlar
Harry Mae Anthony