(“One Love”)
Dear Family Members,
Welcome to the Anthony - Ellison Family Reunion Website. We have set up an interactive family reunion website, which we encourage everyone to visit and pass along to as many family members as possible.
The site will serve as your online communication tool to stay in touch with family members, receive updates, upload and view photos, pay by PayPal online, learn about your family history, and so much more!
Website: http://anthonyellisonfamilyreunion.com
We are asking everyone even if you are not attending the Family Reunion to please go to the Family tab on the upper right side of the website to setup your individual profile so that we can create a complete family tree to be given to everyone. (Use my profile as an example) Some of you like myself is part of both the Anthony and Ellison trees. My grandmother Annette Ellison married my grandfather Winsor Anthony.
We also urged you to please go to the Photo Album page to post pictures of family members to this page. I am hoping that as many of you as possible will be able to make it to our next Family Reunion.
Thank you for your time and effort toward this project.
This is an interactive website whereby certain portion can be updated by you the user.
It is designed to accommodate all your needs as it pertains to registration, paying dues, ordering T-shirts, reserving hotel accommodations and a host of other amenities.
The menu on the upper right side of the page will allow you to view the different pages of the website and allow you to create input and post it on the site.
Register and pay registration fee on the registration page
The Family page is interactive and is designed for individual profiles.
The Details of events page outlines the reunion actives and venues in detail
The Who's coming page displays those who paid reunion fees
The Fundraising page lists all persons who have voluntarily contributed to the financing of the reunion above and beyond normal reunion fees
The Photo Album page is interactive and you are urged to post pictures of family members to this page. There are pre-set areas for those who are both Anthony Family & Ellison Family, Anthony Family, and the Ellison Family,
The Hotel Reservation page list the headquarter hotel for our Family Reunion. Here you will find the rates and instructions on how to book your reservations.
The Guest Book page is designed to record visitors who are not immediate family members
The Sponsor Page - If you know of a company or you would like to place an ad for a fee on the Anthony-Ellison Family Reunion website. It is an opportunity to raise funds for the annual family reunion to help keep the family reunion website operational
The website is still under construction and more features will become available as the work progresses.