In an effort to establish a general reunion fund for subsequent reunions, the committee would like to propose a fundraising project to aide in this initiative.
There are various expenses associated with making sure that this reunion is on the level to which we have come to expect. A donation (from family members only) towards miscellaneous expenses would be a great way to help defray the costs and ensure that a variety of things are paid. These expenses include:
1) Website Maintenance: The website costs $265.00/year. This is one of our biggest operating expenses. The website has been a great way to send and receive information to all family members. We would like to maintain the website yearly. After the reunion, we will post pictures and, hopefully, video of some of the reunion activities. You are also able to leave comments and stay in touch with family members.
2) Misc. Activities: We would like to be able to include as many additional activities at a low cost for the family. Your donation will go towards any extra activities that we decide to include.
3) Misc. Souvenirs & Decorations: Any money raised from donations would also go towards souvenirs, decorations and gift bags for every family member.
4) Misc. Operating Expenses: While many of our family members have email addresses, there are quite a few who do not. Therefore, reunion letters are sent in order to inform them of the updates. This has required paying for stamps, envelopes, paper, ink, etc.
Any donation will be greatly appreciated!
Address: _______________________________________________________
City / State & Zip: ________________________________________________
Phone #: ___________________ E-mail: _____________________________
Donation Amount: $________________
Option 1:To Pay by PayPal (PayPal ME) https://www.paypal.me/FamilyReunionFees
Option 2: Pay by Cashier Check or Money Order by Mail:
Remit this Form and your Donations To:
Jimmie Williams
P.O. Box 951566
Lake Mary, FL 32795-1566
Please be sure to make your Cashier Check or Money Order out to "Jimmie Williams" (not Anthony-Ellison Family Reunion)